Introduction of Java


Introduction of Java

java programming


Java is one of the popular programming language. It is widely used all over the world. It is a general and multi-purpose programming language. It was developed in the year 1991 by Sun Microsystems. The developer of Java is James Gosling and Patrick Naughton. Java is projected to let applications developer (WORA) write once, run anywhere. Java was developed to be machine-independent web technology. Its first release was in 1995, later on, Java was acquired by Oracle Corporation.

Java syntax is based on C and C++ which makes it easy for programmers to learn. It is object-oriented and class-based. It cannot be considered as a pure OO language because it contains primitive types. In Java writing, compiling and program debugging is easy. It also helps in creating modular programs and reusable code.

In the world of computer programming, Java has a prominent place. It has some outstanding features.

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Main Features of Java are as follow:


One of the most important features of Java is that it is a simple programming language. Its syntax is simple, clear and easy to grasp. Several rarely-used and complicated features like operator overloading, explicit pointers, multiple inheritances, etc. are removed. In Java, there is an Automatic Garbage Collection and there is no need to remove unreferenced objects.



Java is considered as an object-oriented programming language. It means organizing a combination of different sorts of objects which incorporates both behavior and data. In Java, everything is an object and it can be extended easily.

Some of the basic OOPs concepts are:

  1. Object
  2. Class
  3. Polymorphism
  4. Abstraction
  5. Encapsulation
  6. Inheritance


Virus-free and tamper-free systems can be developed through Java’s secure feature. It is protected or secured because:

  1. Programs of Java run inside a virtual machine sandbox.
  2. There is no explicit pointer
  3. The code fragments for the illegal code can be checked that can violate access right to objects by the Bytecode verifier.
  4. The security manager can determine what resources a class can access.
  5. The part of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a classloader, it is used to load Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine.


Java is considered as robust which means it is strong and reliable. Exception Handling, Memory Allocation, and Garbage Collection features make java a robust. Security problems can be avoided because there is a lack of pointers. Strong memory management is used. Java programming language is developed in such a way that it lays a lot of importance on early checking for possible errors. In other programming languages, it is not easy to detect errors but java compiler can detect error


For maximum utilization of CPU, Java features allow the simultaneous execution of two or more parts of a program. Multithreaded is supported by Java which allows the developers to construct interactive applications that can run smoothly. By defining multiple threads, java programs can be written that deal with several tasks at once. It doesn’t occupy memory for each thread and shares a common memory area.


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Platform Independent language:

Java is write once and run anywhere language. It means that a program can be compiled in one machine and the same program can be run on another machine. The source code (.java file) is converted into byte code (.class file) by compiler (.javac). This byte code can run on several platforms such as Linux, Mac Os, Windows, etc. A program which is compiled on Linux can run on Windows and vice-versa.  There are two types of platforms i.e. hardware-based platform and software-based platform and Java is a software-based platform that runs on the top of other hardware-based platforms.

Architecture neutral:

With the presence of Java runtime system, Java compiler creates an architecture-neutral object file format which makes the compiled code executable on various processors. It is architecture-neutral because there are no implementation-dependent features.


Java is portable as a result of it facilitates to move the Java bytecode to any platform. It does not need any implementation. Java being architecture-neutral and there are no implementation-dependent aspects of the specification thus making java portable. In Java, the compiler is written in ANSI C with a clean portability boundary, which is a subset of POSIX.


Java facilitates users to create distributed applications which means java programs can be distributed on more than single systems that are connected to each other using internet connection. In java, RMI (Remote Method Invocation) and EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) are used to create distributed applications.


In compare to other traditional interpreted programming language, Java is faster. Java bytecode is ‘close’ to native code which makes it quick. Java enables high performance with the use of Just-In-Time compilers. But it is slower than a compiled language such as C++, C, etc.


Java is a dynamic language because it supports the loading of classes. Java is designed to adapt to an evolving environment for which it is considered to be more dynamic than C++ or C. An extensive amount of run-time information that can be used to verify and resolve accesses to objects at run-time can be carried by java programs.


According to GitHub in 2018, 9 million developers reported that particularly for client-server web applications, use of Java programming language was one of the most popular programming language. The principal aim of Java programming language creation was to make it simple, secure and portable programming language. Some outstanding features play an important role in the popularity of Java.

Java is a highly-used programming language and has a huge scope in the technology world. You can surely make a place in the I.T sector by getting learning in java.

To get trained and learn java, one must contact the best java training institute in Kolkata. You can go for advanced java training in Kolkata which provides training as per industry rules and demand.