Cake PHP and why use it?


Cake PHP and why use it?

CakePHP is known as an open source framework for PHP. This is a foundation structure for programmers. Through this developers could use it to create web applications. CakePHP also provides the necessary tools to get started with the coding of PHP. CakePHP has a developer team and community which also bring grate value to the project. There are many features which are provided with cake. Flexible licensing, compatible with PHP, code generation, built in validation, fast and flexible templating, application scaffolding, localization, caching and many more.

MVC architecture

The model, view controller has nothing new. It seems like all the coding framework and MVC. It also could be figured easily. It also offers code separation and keeps things clean. Because of the architecture, MVC is made more sense to you.

Little to no server requirements

Cake uses PHP 4 and 5. This helps the developer to work seamlessly between the environments.

Easy to understand

If you try Zend, Cake you will know that cake is much easier to use. Cake is also known for having many libraries where the developer could use them in developing the project.

All tools in one package

There are many tools which are available for the user to use in the Cake package. Some of them are calendar, email, zip encoding, validation, sessions and many more. There are many more other things such as forms, file handling, arrays, strings, cookies and many more. You are also able to create your own libraries as you wish.

No installation necessary

There is no need to install cake. There is no need to pear the packages or server modification to get the framework running. You just need to only upload the files into the server.

Built in security tools

Cake comes with built in security tools so that you could get the best out of the program. Though cake the developer has the option to add as much as security they want for the application. Cookies encryption and sessions could be done with cake.

Database abstraction

All the frameworks have a database abstraction layer. Unlike other database applications you are able to create, insert, edit and delete functions. You could also handle connections to multiple databases within one application and connect them to the database.

Large and active user community

The community of cake is worldwide and it is large. So if you want to ask any questions about cake you could ask any of the developers who are online and they will be happy to help you with all your questions and doubts. There are many forums which come together with Cake so that you could gain more knowledge about it.

Excellent documentation

The best advantage on cake is the documentation. This is because the documentation is been backed up by the company and not just a community. So the documentation has a value and quality work. So you will always be assured with cake.

Will soon be one with the same

The expressioning engine is also known as the best advantage of cake. The libraries which are used could be used in the future and you could develop many strong applications though combining Cake and Expression Engine together. Find more information about cake and start building your dreams with it.

Acesoftech Academy Provides professional Cake PHP Training in kolkata. if you want to know more please click here to know the course content Or call : 8583959528.